Elektrėnai Municipality was founded on 19 March 2000 (elections of municipal councils) pursuant to the reform of administrative units of the territory of the Republic of Lithuania. The territory was formed of a part of territories of Trakai Region and of Kaišiadorys region.
The Council of Elektrėnai Municipality consists of 25 members. On 5 April 2000, the first session of the Council was held. In that session, the Mayor of Elektrėnai Municipality, Kęstutis Vaitukaitis, and the Deputy Mayor, Andrejus Paberalis, were elected.
Upon resolution of the Council, in the territory of Municipality, there were established 8 sub-districts: ones of Elektrėnai, Vievis, Semeliškės, Kietaviškės, Gilučiai, Pastrėvys, Beižionys and Kazokiškės.
In May 2000, the President of the Republic of Lithuania, V.Adamkus presented to Mayor K.Vaitukaitis heraldry: blazon and flag. The blazon’s symbolism: three biases against a blue background mean lightings and electricity; star in the lower right corner symbolizes sunken villages; star shining in the upper left corner means the today’s city and its lights. The yellow city’s flag depicts the same blazon. The author of the blazon and the flag is artist Rolandas Rimkūnas.
Coasts of old Lakes Anykšta, Puikinas, Jagudis, and of several smaller ones have been inhabited already in the Stone Age. Since 14th century, the surroundings belonged to Trakai Duchy and since 1413 – to Trakai Voivodship. The territory was crossed by old roads to Vilnius and Trakai. Troops of the German Order used to travel often those roads. In 1348, several kilometres away today’s Elektrėnai, by the River Strėva, a big battle took place. Several thousands of Lithuanians laid down their lives there. Among them, Narimantas, one of the sons of Gediminas, died. Place-names remind of the old religion of Lithuanians. Perkūnkiemis (Perkūnakiemis) is the most famous of them. By the 20th century, the village on the land of which the power-plant is now situated, has been known as Bajorkaimis . Offspring of Tartars, who had been brought to Lithuania in times of Vytautas, also lived by Anykšta Lake.
The new page of the history of the old surroundings of Elektrėnai was opened on 16 February 1918, upon reestablishment of the Independence of Lithuania. In December 6, Kietaviškės Parish, which also included the present surroundings of Elektrėnai, was established. Struggles for the Independence were taking place around. The most severe battles were ones with the Polish in the so-called Žiežmariai front. S.Raštikis, who later became the commander of the Lithuanian Army, distinguished in those battles. On 27 April 1919, his battalion had a stay in the surroundings of Abromiškės and Sabališkės Villages.
The surroundings of today’s Elektrėnai were slightly changed by the World War II.
In the post-war years, participants of the Anti-Soviet Resistance were active. With respectful fear, people were telling about deeds of “Green Devil”, Jonas Misiūnas, Cavalry Sergeant Major of the Lithuanian Frontier Police. Youth of neighbouring Peliūnai Village contributed to armed resistance particularly affluently.
In 18 April 1960, it was decided to construct a heat power-plant of 1800 MW in halfway between Vilnius and Kaunas.
In 12 September 1961, upon damming the River Strėva up, its water started rising and flooded eight lakes. The old islands among which there was the famous Island of Storks where there inhabited the largest in Europe rookery of white storks occurred under water. New islands have emerged. Today the sea covers the area of 1240 ha; its deepest place reaches even 30 meters. To protect against water, over 140 homesteads of Perkūnkiemis, Anykšta, Lekavičiai, Raistinė, Šarkinė Villages as well as of other villages had to be moved.
The major attention was paid to construction of the power-plant. The symbolic beginning of constructions was 18 July 1961 when the foundation-stone of the power-plant was laid.
The provisional settlement was built. In spring of 1960, constructions of the permanent settlement were started. Stay was decided on the small village of Lekavičiai, in the southwest coast of Puikinas Lake.
On 19 April 1962, Lithuanian VRE constructions settlement was called Elektrėnai.
The project of the city was made by B.Kasparavičienė and K.Bučas.